Originally Posted by dogzilla
What ever happened to accepting personal responsibility for your actions? If I have a problem with obesity or other diseases caused by unhealthy lifestyle or diet, why is it the government's responsibility to save me?
The government isn't saving you, it is saving the rest of us from paying for the costs associated when people don't live 'responsibly'. The government also has to try and improve the country, fix the problems, protect the people from harm, and ensure that we can lead healthy, happy, and productive lives.
And I know that there are a lot of taxes. But, someone has to pay for it.
Here is a partial list of taxes:
Accounts receivable tax
Building permit tax
Car registration tax
Capital gain tax
CDL License tax
Cigarette tax
Corporate Income Tax
Court Fines
Dog License Tax
Estate Tax
Federal Unemployment Tax
Fishing License Tax
Food License Tax
Fuel Permit Tax
Gasoline Tax
Hunting License Tax
Federal Income tax
Inheritance Tax
Interest Expense (Tax on gains)
Inventory Tax
IRS interest charges
IRS penalties
Liquor tax
Local Income tax
Luxury tax
Marriage License tax
Medicare tax
Parking meters
Property tax
Real Estate tax
Septic permit tax
Social Security tax
Truckers Road Usage tax
Sales tax
Recreational Vehicle tax
Toll Booth, bridges and tunnels tax
School tax
State income tax
State unemployment tax
Telephone federal excise tax
Telephone Service Fee Tax
Telephone surcharge, minimum usage surcharge, and recurring charges tax
Traffic fines
Trailer registration tax
Utility taxes
Vehicle License registration tax
Vehicle sales tax
Watercraft Registration tax
Well permit tax
Workers compensation tax