Originally Posted by FoolThemAll
But they do have that right. Since the end of the civil war, for the most part.
They have the right to leave.
Right, and where exactly are they going to go? If you haven't noticed the work environment is tight and most people can barely afford to live let alone quit a job and hope they find a new one or move to where they may be lucky to find a job.
I don't see how an initial contract/arrangement to provide labor to a business suddenly grants the laborer to many more privileges never laid out in contract form. The idea of a strike, strikes me as a perfectly moral form of bargaining. The idea of legal action against an employer for terms never promised, on the other hand, strikes me as nothing more than dishonest on the part of the employee. If you wanted a legal guarantee of wages or benefits increasing down the line, you should have made that clear at the onset and let the employer decide if that additional cost was worth your value as a laborer.
Right, let's fuck the auto worker so AIG executives can make more bonuses. The auto worker is too demanding and wants too much. The AIG executive, well he can donate to hmmmm Obama and Dodd, #'s 1 and 2 on the AIG campaign donation list last year. Hell, let's get rid of the minimum wage too, no sense in handcuffing those poor executives in what they pay their employees to clean the toilets.
I don't think the laborer has the right to enforce his idea of "the right thing" upon the owner. It isn't his property and the employer should be allowed to make whatever sort of offer for his property that he wishes.
You cannot make ANYTHING or accomplish ANYTHING without the worker, thus the worker has just as much if not more at stake because the executives have their golden parachutes. In the last 20 years how many executives made millions upon millions while the company they ran went broke? I suppose that was the workers fault?..... as long as the economy is in the shitter and people are just happy to have a job and barely make it because there are no fucking jobs paying anything.... Hell, let's just have child labor and sweatshops. Fuck the worker who wants to work 40 hours and have a little disposable income to enjoy life or save for retirement.
Don't like it, don't take it. Stop liking it, bargain (without legal coercion) or bail.
Great fucking attitude in this economy and job market. Spoken like a true greedy executive who has his parachute all ready, while the workers who lose their jobs lose everything. So much for the American dream.