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Old 03-29-2009, 07:07 PM   #6 (permalink)
ngdawg's Avatar
Location: on the back, bitch
I love flowers so much that I have gardens just for cutting and displaying them. I couldn't see growing things that just.....grow, so I planned my yard around the growing season so I'd have flowers from May to October. Just some of the flowers I grow are: Roses, Peonies, Irises of different varieties, Gladiolas, Spirea, Azalea, LillyoftheValley, Coneflower, Mums, Tiger Lily, Day Lily, Jacob's Ladder, Daffodils and Shasta Daisy.

Do you enjoy being given flowers as a gift? Yes
Would you prefer cut flowers or living potted flowers? Cut
Do you enjoy placing them on display? Of course
Do you have allergies that prevent you from enjoying flowers? I can't take the scent of Hyacinths-they immediately make me clog up and get a headache.
What are your favorite flowers to look at? Roses or Daisies
What flowers have your favorite scent? Miranda Roses
Have you been given flowers at the start of a date? Nope
If so, how did it impact the date?
Were you ever given flowers for Valentine's Day? Yes. Once when I was a newlywed. I remarked it'd be nice to get roses. Spouse brought some home, remarked how expensive they were. I grew my own and never asked again.
Have you ever been given flowers in reward of an accomplishment? I got a few bouquets when my twins were born, so I guess that counts.
Have you ever asked for flowers? See above.
Don't blame me. I didn't vote for either of'em.
ngdawg is offline  

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