Originally Posted by new man
I say ban alcohol, tobacco and drugs. I see no reason to use any of these. There are no beneficial effects from the consumption of these products. The red wine good for your heart argument? Bullshit. Eat Grapes. Need alcohol or pot as a social lubricant? Figure out why you want to be fake and not have people see you as you really are. If you don't like yourself as you are, and need to escape reality with drugs or alcohol, then you need to adjust yourself. (I am not talking about scientology).
As far as medicinal marijuana, that is fine. Doesn't mean it should be legal for everyone. My mom snorted prescribed cocaine for her broken nose as a teacher because of cocaines' anesthetic effects. I have been taking amphetamines (adderall)the past few months to try to help control my ADD. It has some beneficial effect. I don't self prescribe, I did get checked for heart rate and blood pressure to help correct the dosage.
Obviously we are not going to get alcohol banned, because too many people consume it. I do find it funny how several people have said that they no longer smoke pot. Maybe because the benefits do not outweigh the problems? How many people also slow their alcohol consumption down as they get older? Maybe if people reached some higher level of maturity before being exposed to drugs or drink, then they would never perceive the need for it on any level.
First, I like that you said alcohol, tobacco, and pot should be banned. It shows you are consistent. I think it should be all or none also. Of course, I'm on the all should be legal side of the fence. But I can see your point of view. Using any substance as a crutch is not the way to go, but if a person wants to have a drink or a smoke every once in awhile, who are we to judge. I am all for giving people choices, not dictating their lives.
Next is your section on prescription drugs. Those things scare the holy bejeezus out of me. The side effects of the majority of those drugs are often worse than the original ailment. I honestly believe that pot is safer than a majority of pharmaceutical drugs.
Next, I can't answer for other people who don't smoke anymore, but my reason for not smoking is because I don't know people to buy it from anymore. If I had access to it, I would partake every once in awhile. Obviously, young people partake in drugs and alcohol in excess because it is new, but once the novelty wears off the usage generally drops. This can be said about a lot of things though. However, unlike alcohol, I believe that pot is not a highly addictive substance. That might need fact checked.