I say ban alcohol, tobacco and drugs. I see no reason to use any of these. There are no beneficial effects from the consumption of these products. The red wine good for your heart argument? Bullshit. Eat Grapes. Need alcohol or pot as a social lubricant? Figure out why you want to be fake and not have people see you as you really are. If you don't like yourself as you are, and need to escape reality with drugs or alcohol, then you need to adjust yourself. (I am not talking about scientology).
As far as medicinal marijuana, that is fine. Doesn't mean it should be legal for everyone. My mom snorted prescribed cocaine for her broken nose as a teacher because of cocaines' anesthetic effects. I have been taking amphetamines (adderall)the past few months to try to help control my ADD. It has some beneficial effect. I don't self prescribe, I did get checked for heart rate and blood pressure to help correct the dosage.
Obviously we are not going to get alcohol banned, because too many people consume it. I do find it funny how several people have said that they no longer smoke pot. Maybe because the benefits do not outweigh the problems? How many people also slow their alcohol consumption down as they get older? Maybe if people reached some higher level of maturity before being exposed to drugs or drink, then they would never perceive the need for it on any level.
As far as not driving high, is there a way to measure objectively when a person is clear to drive safely? There are standards for BAC (whether you agree with them or not), but what is a safe level of THC measurement or whatever to determine your capacity? How long would it take to really clear out of someone's system?
One last thing, I did read somewhere years ago that 40% of all violent crimes occur under the influence of alcohol. Sounds pretty likely to me. Bar fights, domestic violence, liquid courage, all that shit. Just watch a couple of episodes of Cops to see the effects of alcohol and other drugs.