I love getting flowers--sometimes getting cut flowers feels like a waste, though, and so I prefer to receive potted living flowers I can plant.
This time of year is especially good for me; daffodils are my favorite flowers to look at. They're also one of my favorites to smell. I like the smell of roses too--real roses, not those red longstems they sell at Valentines. Those don't smell like much of anything.
One date brought me a single rose before a high school formal. It didn't really impact the date; it was just a nice gesture. It was a special rose, not because of who gave it to me, but because it was so beautiful and it was in bloom in December, of all things. I dried it and hung on to it for some years until it finally crumbled.
I actually haven't received flowers too often. Despite performing in many choir concerts and plays, I can't remember ever being given flowers. To be honest, I was lucky if my parents even attended the concert. My SO got me flowers once (says him); I don't really remember it. I don't recall ever receiving flowers for Valentines Day.
I've dropped heavy hints about my desire for flowers. As yet, it has gone unheeded. He'll probably buy the plans we need for the garden, and think that that counts as buying me flowers. For the record, it doesn't.
If I am not better, at least I am different. --Jean-Jacques Rousseau