Originally Posted by spectre
I have this one friend who keeps telling me stories that I really don't need to hear. Like the time she told me that she can't see Cindy Crawford without being creeped out because she had a friend who had a poster of her on his wall. Normally, not unusual, but he apparently had a blacklight in the room and parts of the poster would glow when the light was on. One of those stories I probably didn't need to hear.
See if I ever share anything with you ever again. Wait, you'd like that...I'm going to share even more now. Bwahahahah...
Strangefamous, that reminds me of a co-worker who approached me on Facebook and said that he was depressed and wanted to kill himself. It was very disturbing since I had only known him for about a month and only spoke to him in passing a couple times a week. I think that was a bit much to drop on a virtual stranger.