With ER coming to an end, I've been thinking of other shows that were on for just a bit too long. Shows that were great for awhile, but then got stale and overstayed their welcome. This is a list of some of the shows I think stayed too long:
- ER
- Charmed
- Law and Order (although I've never watched it, but come on it has so many spin-offs and has been on for years)
- Friends
- Facts of Life (some people may argue the first season was a season too long)
- Family Ties
- Brady Bunch
- Bewitched
- Cosby Show
and a lot more, but I don't want to list them all. I'll leave some to other people or there wouldn't be a discussion.
Usually, the point you know a show has been on for too long is when story lines begin repeating or a new character is brought in to breath new life into it.
Feel free to argue if you disagree with my choices. I enjoy a nice back and forth banter.