He is minister because he was appointed as such by his leader, PM Harper. Typically when the elected party has to put together a cabinet to handle portfolios, he will weigh capabilities, prior experience etc for fit. As Baraka_guru stated earlier, he had experience with industry in this respect and probably seemed to be a good fit to Harper.
As for religion / science, why the dichotomy? Surely religious people, creationist and what have you can support the concept of the framework of the scientific method? I mean, it takes acceptance of the method, and initial step of acceptance, to frame your paradigm of observation of fact around the scientific method. It wasn't always the paradigm of favour, and it may fall out of favour years, centuries hence.
Nor is it unreasonable for scientists to put down creationists as being wacky, simply because the primo facto is not measureable. Our microscope may not be strong enough to measure and prove the existance of a creator, and nor can it be scientifically disproved.
So. the 10,000 year timescale is also should not be preceived in terms of the modern literal concept of years as well. You may as well say 10,000 units of time (as there is great relativistic variability in time/space depending upon location of perception) So the phrase 10,000 yrs is almost meaningless for scientists. The point is, there was an event, a very long time ago that was the genesis of our current universe.
You can be a creationist and a scientist. I have never seen the need for the one to be against the other, unless there is a political agenda.
You said you didn't give a fuck about hockey
And I never saw someone say that before
You held my hand and we walked home the long way
You were loosening my grip on Bobby Orr