Originally Posted by KnifeMissile
Did you see his alleged belief in evolution?
Sadly, I think it's pretty telling when your response to a question on science is “I am a Christian, and I don't think anybody asking a question about my religion is appropriate...”
Yes I did see his response. I have said before but I will reiterate -- I do not expect a Minister or Secretary of Science to be able understand every, or even most, scientific theories because that knowledge is extremely specialized.
If we were to ask him if he believe in Super String Theory would we ridicule his answer? Would he (or any minister) have any clue what was being asked? He had given a clear, scientific answer would you expect the reporter to be able to understand it?
It is only the controversial nature of evolution that is bringing this to question, but that does not mean the minister should be expected to understand evolution as we would not expect him to understand the intricacies of other controversial science: nuclear power; cell biology of cloning; global warming; the merits of testing on animals; etc. That is the role of advisors to minister: if he needs to understand a subject, it will be the public servants who educate him.