What do you get out of this advice? I'm sorry to disagree with everyone else here, but I think it's pretty good advice for the Oprah viewers, which is what it is aimed for. There are A LOT of women out there that sleep with a guy on the very first night, then 3 days later when he won't call or answer, they wonder what they did wrong. I think Steve Harvey probably sheds a lot of light and insight into the minds of the guys that tend to run off.
Are you bothered? Not in the least. There's a bunch of women out there that need to hear this.
Do you benefit from it? The part about taking control made me think. My boyfriend is super passive and doesn't want the relationship control. I keep trying to hand it back to him because I hate making decisions. Looks like I should keep it and get that rent money. =P
Do you find that it plays up to stereotypes? No. I think he uses the word "women" very liberally and isn't meaning all women. You guys above me are saying that he's all wrong, women want just sex, too, right? Then, you're probably not the demographic that he is shooting for.
Do you think something entirely different? Yes and no. I think that no matter what kind of woman you are, there's probably going to be some advice in here that you could probably use in your everyday life, not just relationships. Then again, I normally just take advice with a grain of salt.