I have jeans that I will wear till they fall apart (love me some lucky's) but I tend to buy as I go. I'm a spontaneous shopper. I see something I like and I buy it. I don't buy big ticket items on a total whim, but once I get the bug for something big, I do a bit of research and I make a fairly quick decision.
As far as clothes, it depends on the season and my mood that will determine what I buy. When I'm buying nice clothes, for some reason I always do it in the winter. In the summer, I buy more relaxed style clothing. Maybe it's the heat and cold that determine my choices. I'm always looking for belts (I have a thing for them) and coats. I love coats. Too bad the winters here suck.
most of the time, after 2 seasons of wear I'll just put them in the salvation army box. I tend to not be attached to my clothes, because I can always just buy more and I figure I'm doing my small deed by giving my clothes to charity.