Originally Posted by highthief
No, evolution exists - it's been proven both in the wild and in controlled conditions. The "how" of evolution does get tweaked now and again as we learn about the different ways populations are affected by different stresses and opportunities, but general evolutionary principles are scientific facts.
Yes evolution does exist, it is indeed a scientific face that has been observed -- most notably in the experiments with Darwin's Finches on the Galapagos Islands. But evolutionary principles are not fact: natural selection, kin selection, sexual selection, etc. are mechanisms proposed for by theory as to why evolution exists and how it functions. They can be changed or modified, or as has been done repeatedly through history -- discarded. The phenomenon is different from our explanation; the explanation requires us to review the facts and posit a logical and
believable explanation of those facts.
"Belief" is simply faith - and there is a role for faith in everyone's lives, whether that is faith in God or gods, faith in your favourite sports team, or any other uncontrollable, undefinable, thing that is not affected by logic or experimentation.
This quite simplification of the concept of belief. Faith is a belief, but not all belief is faith. When we convict a person in court, it is not (usually) an article of faith but a refined examination of facts to come to a conclusion which we believe in.