I honestly dont understand the "too late, too late" argument that appears to be, in large part, the basis of your dissatisfaction.
Is it really too late for the Making Home Affordable program that will potentially help millions of honest and diligent homeowners who pay the mortgage on time but now face hardship and possible foreclosure because of losing their job or their house being devalued? Or is it too little?
Is it really to late too late to start regulating the market for hedge funds, credit default swaps and over-the-counter derivatives as proposed by Geithner today? Or is it too little?
Is the $150 billion for infrastructure in the stimulus bill, the largest investment ever, too little or too late?
Is the increased funding in the stimulus bill to cover the shortfall in Pell Grants and providing a new higher education tax cut to millions of families too little or too late?
And finally,
Is 65 days too little time to honestly and objectively judge the performance of a new president facing the worst economic conditions in decades.
Giving him a reasonable period of time to put these programs and initiatives in place does not equal "loving" him.
Do you honestly believe POWER TO THE PEOPLE will address these issues more comprehensively or in a more timely manner?
"The perfect is the enemy of the good."
~ Voltaire
Last edited by dc_dux; 03-26-2009 at 03:21 PM..