Actually, I speak to these spirits that are always there for me. Sorta like guardian angels.. but not.. it's hard to explain.. anyways... one day they were explaining the concept of time to me. They communicate to me by sending images and random sounds/phrases to my mind... so it's hard to understand them 100%.. but what I got from them was:
Time exists the same way as the universe does. Almost like a circle or a sphere.. but much more. Time travel is also possible since it's not just a mere line... but an orientation. Time can repeat itself as well and does very often. Think of the smell of the color deep orange and indigo.. that is how time smells. SOOO hard to explain. >_< Time is pliable.. which is why time can repeat itself without the event being exactly the same each time. For us... in this dimension.. time is like a running course. I dunno what that means. but, they always say it.
You can believe me or not.. I really don't care. haha I'm not crazy or anything because I used to work in a dementia ward and I know what all sorts of crazy are like... and this isn't anything near real crazy. >_<