Originally Posted by Wyodiver33
At the time, I loved Win2k. Was just awesome. Now, I have to admit something; I bought and used Win ME. I have a cheap MS watch that came with it to prove it. What a turd of an OS.
ah yes, the look of win2k with the stability and security of the win95 first release. Never used it personally but had more than enough dealings with it doing inbound tech support.
edit: just thought again of the irony of using a song with "You make a grown man cry" in it for the grand release of a brand new OS. Perhaps they should have used that for Vista as well.
I think I will be buying a new system piecemeal starting with the case, etc. Components are so much faster and cheaper than when I built these two. Still not used to 1 GB of RAM costing less than $200-$300, and the new SATA drives are dirt cheap and huge compared to the much smaller capacity IDE drives I use now.