Originally Posted by Frosstbyte
I don't buy at all, however, that they did it because they were perverts trying to sneak a peek at an underage girl. Zero tolerance gone wrong seems much more likely.
I think we'd have to know more about the Assistant Principal, Secretary, and Nurse to really decide if they're perverts or not. I'm very prepared to believe that this girl was being strip searched in order to humiliate, disparage, and demean her.
There are a number of completely ridiculous statements from the school officials in the article.
"Ms. Redding “never appeared apprehensive or embarrassed,” Ms. Schwallier said in a sworn statement." Would they have stopped if they thought she was embarrassed?
"Lawyers for the school district said in a brief that it was “on the front lines of a decades-long struggle against drug abuse among students.”" -Won't you have pity on these poor soldiers in their foxholes?
Won't be surprised at all if Thomas, Alito, and Scalia vote to overturn, can't wait to read their statement. I'm really hoping though that Roberts and Kennedy are prepared to uphold even a very clear violation of the 4th amendment.
The nurse and secretary should be reprimanded, they should have questioned, protested, and refused. The Assistant Principal should be sacked. The district owes this girl a wad of cash, enough to put her through college. imho.