Originally Posted by Lasereth
Well if people saw the ghosts in the first place then why can't we see them again? People seeing a ghost is physical evidence. But it can never be replicated.
It's entirely possible (assuming non-physical entities do exist) that they don't physically "see" these entities. Their experience is that of what the "mind's eye" sees. Whenever I think of this concept, I tend to think of Wordsworth:
IN my mind's eye a Temple, like a cloud
Slowly surmounting some invidious hill,
Rose out of darkness: the bright Work stood still:
And might of its own beauty have been proud,
But it was fashioned and to God was vowed
By Virtues that diffused, in every part,
Spirit divine through forms of human art:
Faith had her arch--her arch, when winds blow loud,
Into the consciousness of safety thrilled;
And Love her towers of dread foundation laid
Under the grave of things; Hope had her spire
Star-high, and pointing still to something higher
Trembling I gazed, but heard a voice--it said,
"Hell-gates are powerless Phantoms when 'we' build."
Essentially, if non-physical entities exist, they perhaps communicate by non-physical means. In humans, this communication is focused on the mind. The problem, however, is that we are sensory beings and tend to "physicalize" experience (think imagination, memory, music, scent, imagery, etc., and how they're all interconnected).
So, if we come into contact with a non-physical entity, perhaps we tend to think we see them when, in fact, we are merely projecting as having "seen" them. The mind's eye, when fully developed, and/or if we are sensitive to it, can be a powerful thing...especially when you have external entities entering the picture.