Originally Posted by roachboy
so the short version: the right and its ways of thinking, particularly about taxation, are entirely irrelevant. break with them, be done with it. better now than later.
You have some interesting points and in another thread worthy of discussion, but I have to comment on this one.
From talking with friends going to these "tea parties", it's not about party affiliation belief that one side is right and one is wrong, it's about how OUR tax dollars are being used and the rights that are being taken.
My problem with the above quoted statement from you is that we should not "break" either side as BOTH have their good and bad views. I think the solution lies in taking from BOTH sides that which can work and discarding that which won't.
We tried it both ways and both ways have worked until they became too overcomplicated and too tunnel visioned.
Finding true compromise that betters the whole and not just the few is what our government needs to focus their energies on. Not bail outs, taking away rights, trying to "break" one party or philosophy. None of those accomplish a bettering of the country, they only divide people more and make government stronger.