Do you know anyone who has attended a tea party?
Nah, but I'm in liberal country. If we had a tea party here it would consist of maybe three internet libertarians and the one guy in San Jose that's in the NRA.
Would you consider attending a tea party yourself? If so, why?
I think the stimulus plan is a bit short-sighted, but not enough to protest it.
Are you opposed to the idea of people meeting peacefully to exercise their freedom of speech in the form a tea party?
Not at all, though I hope they're not wasting tea.
Do you see this trend as an insult to the founding fathers of the US constitution, or do you see it as a method of standing up for basic rights?
The latter. I don't agree with their conclusions, but I fully support their right to voice their opinion. It's actually kinda nice to see conservatives protesting.
Still, I think they misunderstood the meaning of the tea party. Taxation without representation was and is a big deal, but really isn't in play here. Obama won by a decent margin. I know Republicans absolutely adore their understanding of the founding fathers, though, and I suspect the name is simply meant to evoke that whole revolutionary patriotism thing.
What is the real meaning behind these tea parties - is it as simple as disagreeing with economic policy, or do you think it means more?
Without attending one, it's tough to say. It sounds kinda like a fair, a laissez-fair. Nyuk nyuk.