I don't feel like an archaeologist in my own home.. that old old stuff is still at my parents' house in Ohio.
I do, however, have plans to get spring cleaning done. I do a decent job of putting things away and running the vacuum, sweeping the kitchen floor, washing the floor, wiping down counters, etc.. but I need to really deep-clean a few things. I have to work on wiping down my walls and taping off so I can finally PAINT. I need to give the kitchen floor a good on-hands-and-knees scrubbing again. I need to evict the wasps living between my window and screen in the kitchen so I can open the window. And I always need to find a safe place to put my extra bedding/blankets/etc where my cat can't climb up and shed all over them. :P I might also borrow a steam cleaner from a friend so I can steam clean the carpets and maybe also the futon.
When it comes to getting rid of junk.. I really don't have that much to get rid of. I have one small box of keepsakes, and really the only thing I NEED to get rid of is my old mattress that no one wants to buy, even for $50.