It's ridiculous to charge these kids with child pornography charges. I don't blame the kids; the entertainment industry is teaching them that young women are supposed to be sexually aggressive to attract men.
I blame the parents, plain and simple. No, not because they don't have the kids under 24/7 surveillance - that's simply not possible and would not be right anyway. I also don't blame their parenting in general; you can instill whatever great Christian values you want to your kid and as teenagers they will bend and break the norms you've taught them, because that's what teenagers do.
Getting a cell phone for your child is not a bad idea at all, in fact for the most part it is a great idea for keeping in touch and for emergencies. And while some have suggested getting a phone without a camera, that may be easier said than done as including a camera in a phone is becoming the standard, and it is doubtful manufacturers will continue to be producing phones without them.
However...there is no reason whatsoever for your child's phone to have a plan that allows for media messaging or text messaging. These are typically optional services anyway, and even if your family plan includes them, they can be disabled for specific numbers in the plan. You can also disable incoming messages entirely.
Who is John Galt?