After several frustrating years of Oral birth control I came to the conclusion that no matter which one I use, it turns me into a lunatic!
I am normally a "squishy" sensitive, thoughtful, and contemplative computer nerd, but after one month of "The Pill" I am sullen, irritable, depressed and just plain angry all of the time. To put it in the words of a dear friend who also can't abide the pill, "They make me fat and crazy!"
Enough was enough, so I pondered the idea of an IUD and read many forums and blogs. I was interested in "actual" experiences instead of the BS explanations by uninformed doctors and people that have never had an IUD. I'm 28 in a stable long term relationship and had myself and my partner pre-screened for STD's and STI's in advance. I decided to go for it.
I had a Flexi-T 380 copper IUD put in 5 days ago by my Male GP who is wonderfully educated in women's health (no pain meds). The whole thing took 5 minutes on day 4 of my period. (I only have 5 day periods normally.) I felt discomfort only when he washed and stretched my cervix a bit, then a pretty sharp pinch when the IUD was in place. The pain immediately dulled to moderate period cramps. I cramped for roughly 2 days and I took advil to relieve the cramps. I'm on day 5 now, no pain at all, and I'm already thankful to be off the birth control pills. I'll be back to my normal gym routine on monday. I don't care if I spot while my body adjusts, I'm just thankful to be off the hormone rollercoaster.
I have to say thank you to all of the women that posted their experiences here, it is a great eye opener for a woman considering the use of an IUD!