I have been out of work for almost 2 years, but recently got a lead on a position with AIG. The position is in the insurance side of things, nothing to do with all the toxic assets or other financial shenannigans that are going on there. I have a good shot at the job, as I have inside contacts with AIG that have promised to put a good word in for me. I have many questions, and I wonder what other think of the situation and how I should/should not proceed.
What would you ask the HR person during the interview? What would you want to know in light of AIG's current situation?
Is this a good time to take a job with AIG? Should I request a contact or get some security/commitment that I will still have a job in a few months. Better yet, should I pre-arrange a severance package in case of layoff?
Do you think the current mess with help or hurt my salary negotiations? If they are finding it hard to keep/attract people, that could be good for me. However, if there is a lot of pressure to keep overhead low...not so good for me.
Do you think I can get a contract for one of those great AIG bonuses....