I've been using the Divacup for over a year now and I love it!
It's easy to put in. You just squat the same way as if you were putting in a tampon.
It stays in because your vaginal canal is a bit wider than the opening of your vagina plus the walls press against the cup so friction also helps it stay in.
You don't pee in it because the opening of the cup is right on the opening of your cervix.
You can't feel it. It moves WITH the movements of your vaginal canal because of friction.
I've NEVER leaked in it. Even when I've found it to be full, I've never had to worry about leakage.
My crotch doesn't smell like blood when I have it in.
I feel better swimming and working out with it just from the fact that it doesn't leak very easily or even at all.
It may seem expensive... but within a few months it paid for itself since I didn't have to go out and buy boxes of pads or tampons.
I can sanitize it myself...so I KNOW it's clean and sterile. I hated being out of tampons/pads and having to scavenge from the ones at the bottom of my bag or in the back of the cabinet. I was always scared of cockroaches or bugs having laid their eggs on them or something because their seals weren't always very good.
People always ask me, "What do you do in the public restrooms???" Well, I rarely need to change it when I'm out.. but when I do have to change it, I just pop it out.. wipe it off with some toilet tissue, and pop it back in.
"What if there's blood on your hand?" Uhh.. wipe it off and wash your hands? That's why they have sinks in there.
BUT.. only thing I hate is the smell that wafts out when I dump the contents out. It doesn't smell too good. >_<