Originally Posted by Cynthetiq
MM I don't find the Vatican obsolete, maybe in my life and your life, but there are many who follow their teachings and rulings. I find it oddly strange that people who don't follow or care for their dogmas to call them obsolete where there are many who care for the Pope and the Vatican's position, this coming especially from free thinking website members. We're not going to get much dissenting positions from people since they are already driven away in smaller contests of discussions, ala Rev. Tim from a few years ago.
I've been thinking about this a little more this afternoon and it confuses me...what is it exactly about saying that the Vatican is obsolete that is so threatening to conversation on this issue? Do you mean to imply that it intimidates Catholics from standing up for the Pope? Why?
And, you know, at first I felt a little bad about what you said, because I certainly don't want to drive away conversation or silence people. But then I got to thinking about how much stuff is posted on this site that I object to according to the principles that mean the most to me - morally, ethically, intellectually, 'spiritually' (this conversation being one of them) - meaning that my beliefs and the ideas that I hold dear, that I
have faith in, are bashed and battered all the time on TFP threads. But I don't want or expect anyone to step in and tell folks to back off because they might offend my beliefs. When I see something that bothers me sufficiently I step in and talk about it - defend my principles. I don't see why someone needs to be given special treatment here just because their beliefs are sanctioned by a church.