Originally Posted by Zeraph
Rorschach is awesome, my new favorite super hero. Anyone know what the reason they give for his mask being able to do that?
That's explained in more detail in the graphic novel. The fabric was created by Veidt industries, and is heat and pressure sensitive. It was originally a dress made by the tailor shop Rorschach worked for after he moved out of the foster home he grew up in, but the woman who ordered it didn't want the dress because she thought it was ugly. Rorschach liked it because the black and white never mixed, and the movement was interesting. He taught himself how to cut it properly and decided to make a mask out of it when he started crimefighting. If you pay close attention in the graphic novel, you'll notice the pattern on his mask changes panel to panel.
I don't think there's any real spoilers in there.
I loved the movie overall. I thought the ending was a bit clumsy, though; I understood the rationale behind the change (and behind all the other changes, for that matter) but I still thought it felt a bit lacking.
Bring on the super extended ultimate director's cut!