Thanks to this thread, I installed a mod that let me continue to gain experience past level 20. I reached level 20 at around 75 hours, I'm now at 160 hours of gameplay and still going, with one more quest to go (the main one). Agree that money is irrelevant now, but it wasn't for the first 10 levels or so. Coming out Vault 101 into the blazing sun of a dead world was a most unique gaming experience. I had setup a base at Arefu and had a pet Yao Guai for 40 hours or so. It was a caravan guard and apparetnly the caravan guy was killed and the YG just stuck around. It would walk around panting and growling, occasionally laying down to rest. I would leave him scraps of food but I don't think it ever ate them lol. He was eventually killed by a Deathclaw that wandered into the base. Lately I've been in Recon Armor and sneaking around taking out enemies with the dart gun...great fun. Jericho was a good, funny partner to have, especially in the dark, underground levels. I understand there are now 2 (3?) exapnsion packs now availale. One of the alltime great computer videogames.