By changing the name to Syfy, which remains phonetically identical, the new brand broadens perceptions and embraces a wider range of current and future imagination-based entertainment beyond just the traditional sci-fi genre, including fantasy, supernatural, paranormal, reality, mystery, action and adventure. It also positions the brand for future growth by creating an ownable trademark that can travel easily with consumers across new media and nonlinear digital platforms, new international channels and extend into new business ventures.
"Imagine Greater" will become the new brand message and tagline, inviting both consumers and advertisers into a new era of unlimited imagination, exceptional experiences and greater entertainment.
SCI FI Channel to become Syfy; “Imagine Greater” is new message | SCI FI Wire
This is phucking stoopid. It's bad enough that we get a "giant animal of the week" movie featuring the worst of B-movie stars, but now they're abandoning the defining characteristic of the network? I know they're scared about Battlestar ending, and for good reason, but to go through a midlife crisis is the last thing they need.
Sci-Fi channel, instead of marketing, maybe you can dump some money and talent into a faithful adaptation of the Foundation series or the Martian Chronicles. Remember Dune and Children of Dune? Now remember Super Raptor Island 6 staring the dad from Growing Pains or the 12th time you used Jonas Quin? Frack.