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Old 03-16-2009, 06:46 PM   #362 (permalink)
Her Jay
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Location: Ontario for now....
Originally Posted by aceventura3 View Post
Riddle: When is a "mission" a war? Answer: Only in the mind of a liberal
So then Iraq was a mission, not a war. What mission then? WMD? Opps fuckin none there, got caught with your cock hanging out there shrub. Killing Saddam? Nice secondary mission after everyone found out your guys were full of shit about WMD. Then what was the mission? Killing Zarqawi? Opps still didn't stop the insurgency. Fuckin semantics, oh it's a mission not a war, yes ace and Korea was a police action, and Nam was a conflict.
Even got a video

Psssst ace, even your buddy dubya said he was wrong to say that in front of the banner, it's alright, you don't need to aegue semantics. Mission, war whatever the fuck you want to call it, it was far from over when shrub made that 'great speech'. Here I'll even show you he regretted it, just so you don't feel bad that the mission was never actually accomplished.
Originally Posted by Telegraph
Bush Regrets 'Mission Accomplished' Banner
George W Bush has said he regrets speaking in front of a "Mission Accomplished" banner displayed just weeks after the invasion of Iraq.
The President said he also wished he had not used such aggressive rhetoric leading up to and during the war.

The US president told CNN that the triumphant words hoisted on the USS Abraham Lincoln on May 1, 2003 were meant to cheer up the troops.

"They had a sign that said 'Mission Accomplished.' It was a sign aimed at the sailors on the ship, but it conveyed a broader knowledge. To some it said, well, Bush thinks the war in Iraq is over, when I didn't think that. But nonetheless, it conveyed the wrong message," he said.

The speech the president made under the banner became a symbol of his poor choice of words and overconfidence about Iraq, which from that point on deteriorated into a bloodbath.

But with just two months left as president after eight years in office, Mr Bush was in reflective mood.

"I regret saying some things I shouldn't have said," he said, when asked about his regrets. "Like 'dead or alive' and 'bring 'em on.' My wife reminded me that, hey, as president of the United States, be careful what you say."

The president said he plans to return to his home state Texas as soon as he leaves office. "I miss Texas, I love Texas, I've got a lot of friends in Texas," he said.

He has begun to outline a book, which will convey the pressures of his job in times of crisis.

"I want people to know what it was like to make some of the decisions I had to make," he said. "In other words, what was the moment like? And I've had one of those presidencies where I've had to make some tough calls, and I want people to know the truth about what it was like sitting in the Oval Office."
Ohhh poor ace, even your president knows the mission/war wasn't accomplished in weeks, letalone years, why don't you see it?

Obama could close it now. Even Bush was planning on closing it. It is not like Obama did not have time to study the issues before taking office. He is buying time. He is looking for a way to either keep it open or transfer the prisoners.
Of course he could close it if he wanted to, he could go jerk off on the Lincoln Memorial if he wanted to as well, but deciding the fate of the people still detained there takes a wee bit more than 3 weeks. Of course he probably studied the issues before taking office, which is more than I can say for dubya and some of his adventures. How is he buying time? He's only getting close to being in office for 2 months, and in case you didn't notice I'll let you in on a secret.......the economy is kind of fucked right now, and it's probably taking precedence over Gitmo as he's already stated it'll be closed in a year, seriously do you not read newspapers? I'm not trying to be an asshole here but jesus, it's pretty common knowledge things take a while to kick in.

Afghanistan is truly not the place to engage in any type of ground war. History has shown that time and time again. More troops is a waste. What is needed is small special ops teams and strategic surgical type operations. A "surge" approach will fail. Afghanistan is not Iraq.
Really, Afghanistan isn't Iraq? And here I was thinking they were the same country, thanks for pointing that out. Impressive ace, you actually learned from history, now if only dubya could have done the same. More troops isn't a waste, at least Obama's putting in an effort to deal with Afghanistan, shrub was interested in it for a bit, then he got a hard on for Iraq and he couldn't find Afghanistan on the map after that, so he lost it.
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Last edited by silent_jay; 03-16-2009 at 07:05 PM..
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