Originally Posted by Telluride
My current job provides great health insurance for far less than $3000 per year. Even when I bought my own insurance (which I did until I started this job last October), I was only paying about $3500 per year for excellent medical and dental coverage. It's worth far more than $500 per year to me to keep this level of power out of the hands of the government.
That's great except you're forgetting a few things. I pay about $70 for copay now, and I don't know of anyone paying less than $20. Also, even though I have the Rolls Royce of medical coverage, there's still a chance that I won't be covered for some obscure or unforeseeable medical event. And if you ever develop a serious medical condition and lose your job, good luck getting coverage again for anything less than an exorbitant price. If you can even get coverage. You could end up being one of the nearly 50 million Americans with no coverage whatsoever, and your ideology will be put to the test.
Originally Posted by Telluride
If money was my sole concern (which it isn't), I'd still be better off without socialized medicine.
Care to elaborate on this?
Originally Posted by Telluride
And I don't consider fire departments to be the same thing, as it's the governments job to protect the individual rights of citizens.
Ah, so you demand government step in and protect you from an accident involving fire, but if it's any other kind of accident, the government better stay the heck out of it. How is a kitchen fire any different than falling down stairs? How is a bad light fixture burning down your garage any different than an airbag misfire giving you whiplash? If it's the government's job to protect the individual rights of citizens, where is the line between fire protection and medical protection?