A good chiropractor can be a real help. There have been times when I've seen real and immediate benefit out of a visit. Like many other professions out there, some are bad, some are good.
One chiropractor I saw told me that any chiro that tries to set you up for weekly ongoing visits for a month or more is a quack and I should just walk out of the office and not look back. His professional opinion was that 95% of problems could be treated properly with a single office visit with one follow-up visit if the pain returned.
So, if your guy wants to set you up for a set schedule of alignments and visits, walk out and try another clinic.
The other advice that you didn't ask for, start doing some abdominal exercises to help strengthen your core. Pain in the lower back is often caused by weak core muscles that fail to support your spine.
You do not really understand something unless you can explain it to your grandmother.
- Albert Einstein