What breeze is this, that blows my mind
My own breath is lost to wild winds she fans
Lashes battering the walls from outside
No gray clouds basking in a storms glow
No gray clouds, only the glow of a sun
That undefined moment that confuses dawn and dusk
Beauty in the show of light making it okay to not know
She hides there in my thoughts
She colors the sky to make me smile
I doubt she paints the mist for me, she does so unknowing
But she still paints…
Removing the gray
When you live in pleasure
Can there be too much
If each moment is spent
Dreaming of touch
When hours are spent in perpetual bliss
And highlights of days are awaiting that kiss
Everyone else only hopes to find this
Why not, take the treasure
Enjoy it as such
Dismiss all intent
Allow finger clutch
Accept human nature you cannot dismiss
Knowing these times are the things you would miss
Nothing in life, can duplicate this
Nothing in life, compares to your kiss
And there it is, laid at my feet
Another chapter starts
Mindful though I try to be
The mind ignores the heart
A sometimes wonder comes in play
Can't be set aside
Emotions that won't go away
Enjoy the bumpy ride
I may not know the destination
And yet, I pay the fare
Dropping petty hesitation
Deciding not to care
I may not know the destination
But want to end up there.
There is more...just is
forcing parts of myself to the surface
parts I may have forgotten, or neglected
There is so much more, there
There are longer moments...just are
some hour long minutes I will never trade
She can warp my time, and she knows it...I tell her
There are days of moments, week long...minutes
Some parts of a love are beyond explanation, beyond my words
I would have it no other way...even if I could
I want more moments
Holding onto anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned. - Buddha