Originally Posted by shakran
I call bullshit. Stewart is a political critic when it comes to things considered neo-conservative, yes, and when someone expects him to dole out the same level of criticism to liberals they're being an idiot. Stewart clearly feels, as apparently does the majority of the country, that the liberal way is the better way, especially in light of the fact that the neo-cons broke the country in a myriad of ways. Neocons have this idea that journalists should be biased (Fox News is AWESOME!) but political critics must be balanced (well you say neocons are screwups, you have to say that about everyone else! -whine-)
It's crap. Stewart criticizes the neocons because in his mind (and mine) they richly deserve it. That doesn't mean he then has to criticize everyone else in order to "make up for it."
I really don't care if Stewart has a rager for neo-cons. However, I lost all respect for him when I saw him pull the "Dude, I'm on a comedy show." excuse rather than immediately own up to the fact that he apparently hates neo-cons and/or conservatives. He pussed out, in my opinion.