Originally Posted by Esoteric
I've also been seeing reports that Chris Brown and Rihanna are doing a duet about domestic violence. /facepalm
This kid is going to get a slap on the wrist and all will be forgotten in due time. Before we know it he'll be back making terrible music and making millions pleasing his pre-teen fans.
Sounds that way. Even now Rhianna is being poised to not testify because of a legal loophole that identified her as the victim.
I think they will do a duet, write a book about domestic violence and go on Oprah and all will be forgiven.
One thing I know for sure is that if Rhianna is beaten up again by him or worse,..killed,..then it will be 100% her fault. If she sticks around after the beating she took already, she deserves everything that comes to her. End of story.