What should government do and not do?
There's another thread currently discussing neo-liberalism and higher education. The discussion there got me thinking what do people think government should do for people. I mean most people seem to be ok with government programs of some kind or another. Which government programs do you think your tax dollars should be going to fund?
Personally I like funding things like-
The military (though I think we could pay our troops more and the contractors less.) I include funding veterans benefit programs in this desire. Telling people your going to care for them if they get hurt in battle then supplying with shit care is, well shit IMO.
I like funding education, lots and lots of education. Well educated people are a benefit to the country. Personally I'd trade smart bombs for smart people any day of the week. IMO, more of the latter leads to less need for the first. I'd like to see it possible for every US citizen to go from K to a BA fully funded. people taking advantage all the way to a BA should be required to partake in some type of civil service program for two years in an area of their studies. If HS grads are not interested in college a trade school should be an option. Anything beyond HS should be an option.
Police and Fire. If my house is burning or getting robbed I'd like the appropriate agency to show up and help out. I include in this the prison system(s.) I'd like murders and rapists to have a place to go. I'd like to let all the drug abusers out and I'd like to stop this BS war on drugs. Put them in a clinical setting if they have a major problem, if not leave them alone like we do with social drinkers.
Health care. Health Ins. in the US is a joke. It causes more people to go bankrupt then any other issue. Getting ill should not send you to the poor house.
Mass transit. If more people had access to cheap easy mass transit the level of dependency on foreign oil would drop, IMO.
I'm for funding Social Security, but I think a lot could be cut. People making over X amount don't need a freaking 900 check every month from the government. Most people get their input back in a few years and keep drawing on it for years after. I think there's cuts that could be made there.
Job training, lots and lots of job training programs- give a man a fish... teach a man to fish.
Scientific Research- I think we should be developing a whole bunch of things. From Cancer cures to Alt. Energy. Making progress in science could/should benefit all.
I'm also for funding things like sewer and water. I also like good roads... infrastructure, lot's and lot's of infrastructure. Having it in good safe condition benefits all. Building it keeps people working.
I'm sure I left stuff off but that's, I think, the main things I'd like to see the government funding with my tax dollars.
Anyone else have a list.
Anyone hate my list?
Fire away.
For the record my list is in no certain order.
I used to drink to drown my sorrows, but the damned things have learned how to swim- Frida Kahlo
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Last edited by Tully Mars; 03-13-2009 at 05:35 PM..