I'm opposed to castration for rapists and child molesters. (I hate the term sex offender because it's broader than the crimes we're actually discussing). I think those who rape people, whether their victims are adults or children should be sent to prison for very long periods of time. Life without parole is acceptable.
One of the problems I have with castration is that it's irreversible, and if you castrate an innocent man for rape, you cannot put his balls back on. I also wonder, particularily on our side of the pond, if standards of proof are high enough. I also wonder about juries wanting to err on the side of the victim, when they're not sure (when the benefit of the doubt is supposed to go to the accused). Another problem is that there is no equivalent punishment for women who rape or molest. This punishment is specific to one gender, and doesn't that fly in the face of the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment?
Last edited by Terrell; 03-13-2009 at 02:17 PM..
Reason: clarity