Originally Posted by Xerxys
Manic, This can't seriously be akin to a shotgun to cure headaches or going after a mosquito with a hammer. This is appropriate.
Then I suppose this is where our opinions differ. I respect the right of sex offenders to live their lives just as everyone else does after they've served their time - even repeat offenders. Some of which may be beyond rehabilitation but castration won't serve as a miracle cure in helping them.
It may reduce aggressive/violent behavior but there are much less barbaric solutions that don't involve permanent disfigurement. I'd go on but Gucci and Hightheif have already said it.
Sex offenders have the argument behind them that "My brain made me do it" which is true. Remove the cause of this and we have a solution.
A Clockwork Orange
Who'd have thought such a defense was so common? I can't seem to remember a single case in which this defense has been used - how has it effected sentencing?
In this guys case ... in a nutshell. He was a social degenerate. Yes. It's his fault for being what he is. Sure his family was clinical and cold but he was unable to develop the intelligence to see past that. I grew up cold and disconnected but I dont seek high's from doing anything this perverse ....
Yeah, because there's no correlation at all between being abused and becoming an abuser. If you can see past his issues then why can't he?