World of Warcraft - Rogues
The Warcraft thread is so large it covers too much. I thought it would be good to have a thread specifically to rogues, assuming there's a few out there.
What's your build? I've been subletly for years, but did more pvp than raiding. But in WOTLK our guild is hitting 10 man Naxx, Vault, OS, and 25 man it with some sister guilds.
And my DPS was crap.
So I'm now Mutilate build. My dps is better but i really miss playing subletly as that just seems to me more in like with what a true rogue is.
I know the new patch will allow for easily swapping specs and i like that, but even on a playability level, i have far more fun with sublety.
ReeRov - Deathwing