The robot just cooked pork tenderloin and brussels sprouts on his charcoal grill. It wasn't really that much more time than a gas grill would have been, imho.
o Fill chimney starter with charcoal, stuff some paper under, light.
o Make up a spice rub for the 'loin. Tonight it was salt, cumin, paprika, chilli powder, and cocoa (Hey, don't knock it...)
o Prep the brussels sprouts. They got a onions, salt, little evoo, fennel, and tarragon
o Clean the grill grate, and grill 'wok'. Scrape the crap off, wipe down, and oil.
o Pour out charcoal into grill. Put grate on grill, cover.
o kick soccer ball around with The Dog and The Daughter for 5 minutes.
o Put the loin on grill, cover.
o 5 more minutes of soccer. Turn loin, cover.
o 5 minutes helping The Wife get the table and stuff ready
o Check loin. Not done yet. Turn, move to cooler area of grill, put grill wok on grill.
o 5 minutes later, toss 'sprouts into the grill wok, cook for a few minutes, take loin off to rest, then plate sprouts and loin.
o Eat.