I have no sympathy for sex offenders. I suppose many might have a mental condition but I still find it incredibly hard to find even an ounce of compassion for them.
I think I might be for lopping the hands off of thieves. I suppose it depends on what exactly was stolen and how it was done and such... but if that is the punishment and its a well known fact that you will have a hand (or two) removed for doing it then its the thief own fault.
I also think that each and every person who gets caught drinking and driving should be charged with attempted murder. For those of you who say thats pretty extreme for someone who made a mistake, well too fucking bad. I was taught that it is wrong, had friends lose their lives to drunk drivers, had friends who drank and drove, and I stand by how I feel about it.
I suppose just be thankful it is not someone like me who makes the rules.