I am not talking ron paul this, and ron paul that and libertarian this and conservative that.
you can say something is the problem, when in the article it just touches on the problems and never really says what can be done to fix this.
I just reference Ron Paul because he makes so much sense in the "normal" sense as to which us "regular" folk can make out what he is saying compared to your big words, and anologies, or whatever have you.
fiat money? this wouldnt have happened if they didnt give the right to one company NOT under the law to print money out of thin air.
How would we come to this if we dealt with silver or gold? how can you "make" that up?
So If i was in the business of printing stuff, and I decided to make money out of paper, that would call me a counterfeiter right? what makes the federal reserve any different? We cannot monitor what they print out and why and where it is going? is that fair?
THIS is why we are in the mess we are in today.
I mean us normal folks know what to do in times like this but it is the big ups that are making this happen and not paying for it, but we have to suffer for it? doesnt make sense to me.
RB, this is one time that I am disagreeing with you. you are touching the surface fo the problem by this article. Just because someone wrote this and pointed out what they say, doesnt mean it is the TRUE problem.