I have so many questions. I know testosterone is produced mainly in the testicles but I thought sex happens in the head, not the penis. Isn't the pituitary gland responsible for 80% of the things that go on in the human body? Then what would stop someone from feeling the satisfaction of stabbing someone the same way normal folk feel when they complete a task? -- short of a lobotomy, how does this work?!!
Secondly, can someone describe what "rehabilitation" means? We rehabilitate muggers, people who commit robberies. Folk that hurt other people can NOT be rehabilitated. And this is a wide range IMHO. From PIMPS to rapists to murderes. They are all alike. They lack the complete connection that is empathy for others. In fact, I have to go further and say they feed off it.
If it helps and actually drops the percantage of repeat offenders by a significant amount, then why hasn't it been enforced damnit, I mean, Sex offenders are actually sick, not like an addiction which in many cases can be controlled, but actually ill. This my friends, is actually a cure!!