Hey everyone. I don't usually post here but I've had this on my mind for a while and I need some unbiased opinions, and from reading TFP for a while I know thats what I will get from you guys

I've been wanting to join the military for a while now. I have a few reasons, I want to learn to fly, I think it would be an honorable thing to do, good life experience, etc, but mostly its the only thing that basically just FEELS right for me. Thats the only reason I really know how to describe it. My friends understand, however none of my family seems to.
A little background:
I am a 19 year old college student, living with my parents in ny. Family has always been big in my life, mostly because I grew up semi-sheltered due to my parents fear of what the rest of the world would do to me if I experienced it alone. I turned out decent, albeit pretty irresponsible for some reason. I know that if I stay here much longer this will never change so since I don't have the financial means to move out of my parents house yet, once I graduate I will join the military. However my family is adamantly against this. While they constantly tell me how Irresponsible I am, they refuse to "allow" me to join the military.
While i try to explain to them my reasoning they only see one thing: Death and Killing.
Sure, thats a part of military life. However there is so much more. I have done so much research, spoken to so many former military people. Some have loved it, some have hated it. I feel I would love it. However it is incredibly difficult for me to do something my entire family is so against. In the end the choice comes down to me, and I WILL join, i just can't help feeling bad...
Thanks in advance.