The NRA are a bunch of spineless, gutless, useless, bought-and-paid-for shills. They've signed onto very major gun-control bill since the NFA, and if they're our bst tool we're just plain fucked. Wayne LaPierre would happily sell us all, every one, to keep his speaking fees. The NRA didn't even have the balls to oppose Eric Holder for Atty. General, and tried to prevent Heller vs D.C. from coming before the SCOTUS.
Rotten quislings, the most effective Victim Disarmamnt organisation of the last 50 years. Fuck the NRA. IF they'd get back to teaching marksmanship and gun safety and such, I'd have no quarrel. But they sell our rights every day, and for nothing but one ration of shit after another. My money goes to the GOA, JPFO, and more ammo.