Charcoal, ftw. I'm a fan of Weber kettle grills, and have a Weber platinum one. First, if you go charcoal, invest in a chimney starter. Instead of a loose pile of charcoal, you put the charcoal in the top of the 'chimney' cylinder, some paper in the bottom, and light 'er up. Instead of briquettes, look into getting some 'natural lump' charcoal. Just wood -> charcoal, no binding or lighting agents. Lowes sells a brand called 'cowboy' charcoal, which is fine for me. Takes 2 minutes to fill and light, and about 10 to get going - which is about how long it takes me to clean the grilling surface and get everything nice and hot anyway. Once the coals are ready, you just dump them into the grill and spread them around. The Weber platinum that I've got basically just comes with an attached table and a storage area underneath. I'd at least recommend one with a charcoal basket, since a friend has the one without and says it's a pain to clean. If you regularly cook for a crowd, you might pay more for one of the 'barrel' style grills. Not sure what brands to recommend there.
/me wants to go grill something now.