18. Refinance your auto loans, mortgages, and other debts every 6 months to a year. You can lower your interest rate, as your credit improves, and your monthly payment, as your balance decreases. You save money this way, and you spend money for a shorter period of time. The key, however, is to keep making the same monthly payment even if it decreases along with your interest rate. That will help you pay your vehicle off even faster and help you save quite a bit more money.
I would actually recommend NOT doing this. There are significant costs associated with refinancing your home - even your automobile. I'm not trying to give the impression that you shouldn't refinance if there is a significant drop in rate, but make sure it is going to be worth the costs associated with refinancing.... Paying $3,000 in closing costs to refinance your house every six months to a year won't get you very far...