Originally Posted by filtherton
My intuition convincing me to walk 5 blocks out of my way on a cold slushy day with a broken foot, which resulted in me getting a ride when a friend happened to drive by: did I just know, like, supernaturally, that he was going to drive by, or was my subconscious mind simply playing the odds in suggesting that I walk along a busier street where the odds of a person I knew driving by were greater?
The answer to that question depends more on your disposition towards such things than it does on your commitment to the scientific method.
Indeed, which annoys me to no end. So far the best test I've found for such things are the 'micro-pk' experiments, or what I like to refer to as 'strength of observation' experiments. Basically coercing a random number generator (RNG) to spew out a statistically relevant deviation from the average value. So far, the experiments they've run have shown promise. Here's some links.
RetroPsychoKinesis Experiments Online
Paranormaal onderzoek: Online psychokinese experiment, paranormale links
I like the clock one the best. I've gotten some decent results myself. Though only one spectacular result ("1 out of 47" likely-hood of it occurring) out of a dozen tries or so. I plan on sitting down and trying to practice sometime soon and see if I can get an improvement. I would be very interested to hear how other tfp members do on these tests.
Of course I question the validity of these website experiments. But I have seen a peer reviewed study of this as well. So the concept is sound, just not sure about these particular websites.