Now, wouldn't it be a shame if you went to prison for several months, for your vigilante justice, and the sex offender remained living in your neighborhood. Who would provide vigilance over your child, while you were in jail?
If you happen upon a sex offender and catch him red-handed as he's trying to lure your child into his house, or some situation like that, then
maybe you have just cause to take a baseball bat after him, to drive him off and get your child away. Otherwise, such as in the case presented here, you are engaging in vengeful and illegal vigilante justice. And as a parent, your first priority is always to provide a stable and nurturing home for your child, which you are hard pressed to do while you're sitting in prison for several months, serving a sentence for vigilante justice – and
unnecessary vigilante justice, at that!
Originally Posted by FelixP
I'm not a parent, but if a sex offender was talking to my little brother without supervision, I wouldn't beat is ass with a bat. I'd beat the shit out of him barefisted and then sodomize him with the bat.
Originally Posted by mixedmedia
And this makes you what?
It would make him a sex offender, of course, for the "sodomize him with the bat" part. And then, once he got out of prison, he would be fair game for decent and upstanding citizens to come knocking on his door and catch him off guard, and beat the shit out of him with a bat (but not sodomize him with it, because that's just, you know,