Because it is not just about you. You don't have a right to opt out. You don't get what you put into SS. It doesn't work that way. It has never worked that way. Maybe you get more, maybe you get less. If you live for a year into retirement and Skogafoss is no longer around, then your benefits stop when you die. if you have a retarded child, then your child will have SS benefits. Even if you two did something that caused that retardation. Or if you did everything right. What if you and Skogafoss have a child, and you get creamed by a bus the day after she is born? Your only insurance is the piddly work insurance, and Skog's salary is not enough to pay for your New York living. She and your daughter get SS benefits.
You have all the choices you want. Go to another country. Make your way through where there is no govt support system, like China. Knock yourself out. You can always put your own money away in the US. There are no restrictions on that. After you have paid your portion to society.
it's like the same argument for people not wanting to pay for a good public education because they sent their child to private school or they had no children. You pay for education in the hopes that little Johnny gets an education and a job instead of growing into Big Johnny Shithead who breaks into your house and steals your tv.